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Sfursat Valtellina Superiore 5 stelle DOCG 2020 Nino Negri


Denominazione Valtellina Superiore DOCG
Vitigno Chiavennasca ( Nebbiolo) 100%
Zona di Produzione le migliori uve delle quattro sottozone della DOCG Valtellina Superiore: Lombardia
Tipologia Vino rosso
Gradazione alcolica 15,5°
Temperatura di servizio 20°
Formato lt. 0,75

“Sfursat is derived from a selection of the best grapes from Valtellina, which undergo a natural drying process called ‘Forzato.’ The resulting wine is particularly robust and high in alcohol content. It is only produced in limited quantities during favorable years. Sfursat Valtellina Superiore 5-star DOCG by Nino Negri is a wine with a strong structure and body, a long and persistent aroma that is rarely matched. With Sfursat, one fully understands what a ‘meditation wine’ is: softness, depth, body, endlessly expansive, suitable at all times, during and outside of meals.”


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